
Ideas of Our Time

The Ideas of Our Time lecture free series serving as a vibrant forum for engaging discussions with artists, educators, and community leaders, delving into the most vital and relevant art and ideas of our community and contemporary world. 

The Women Leading Jacksonville's Cultural Institutions

March 6, 2024

This lecture is presented in connection with Women's History Month and features the women leading Jacksonville's cultural institutions, including Caitlín Doherty, Andrea Barnwell Brownlee, Diana Donovan, and The Reverend Kimberly Hyatt. 


Art, Race & American Identity

February 5, 2021

Join Project Atrium artist Carl Joe Williams and University of North Florida's Black Student Union President Nique McCloud as they discuss his exhibition, Making Great Lives Matter. The large-scale installation considers the idea of the American Dream, questioning its viability and examining its intersection with systemic racism in America. Closed March 21, 2021.

Monumental Thinking

March 18, 2021
Rallies, protests, and iconoclastic actions in response to the killing of George Floyd in 2020 have refocused attention and forced a new national reckoning across the south and beyond with public monuments associated with the Confederacy. Dive into the past, present and future of monuments with this lecture by Peter Scott Brown, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Medieval Art History at UNF.

Portrayed: Issues in Self-Representation in Contemporary Art

November 18, 2021

Elizabeth B. Heuer, PhD, presents portraiture in American contemporary art.
Elizabeth B. Heuer, PhD is an Associate Professor of art history at UNF where she teaches classes in 19th and 20th century American art history. Dr. Heuer’s scholarship covers a wide range of themes in American art, such as Southern regionalism, corporate patronage, tourism and the arts, and postcard studies. She is the author of the collection catalog, The Jacobsen Collection of American Art (2022).